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Guideline for Beginner Level Quran Recitation Exam for Teachers


بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

As a teacher, conducting exams for beginner level Quranic recitation can be an important part of assessing your students’ progress and determining their proficiency in this foundational skill. The scores of exam should be sent to NoorStudents’ admin NOT STUDENT OR PARENTS. Here NoorStudents’ guidelines to help you conduct a successful exam:

  1. Criteria for Assessment: To assess your students’ Quranic recitation skills, consider the following criteria:

a) Pronunciation: Evaluate how accurately students are pronouncing the Arabic letters and words in the Quran. Look for proper articulation and pronunciation based on tajweed rules.

b) Fluency: Assess the smoothness and flow of students’ recitation, including their ability to connect words and phrases without pauses or interruptions.

c) Memorization: Evaluate students’ ability to memorize and recite Quranic verses from memory. (If in class you had this activity)

d) Tajweed: Assess students’ understanding and application of basic tajweed rules, such as elongation (madd), stopping (waqf), and merging (idgham).

e) Understanding: Assess students’ comprehension of the meaning of the Quranic verses they are reciting. (If in class you had this activity)

  1. Scoring Guidelines: To assign scores to your students’ performance, consider the following scoring system out of 100:

a) Pronunciation (30 points): Assess the accuracy of students’ pronunciation based on the correct articulation of Arabic letters and words.

b) Fluency (20 points): Evaluate the smoothness and flow of students’ recitation, including their ability to connect words and phrases without pauses.

c) Memorization (15 points): Evaluate students’ ability to recite Quranic verses from memory.

d) Tajweed (20 points): Assess students’ understanding and application of basic tajweed rules.

e) Understanding (15 points): Evaluate students’ comprehension of the meaning of the Quranic verses and words they are reciting.

  1. Exam Format: Consider the following exam format for beginner level Quranic recitation:

a) Individual Performance: Conduct the exam on an individual basis, where each student recites selected Quranic verses in front of the teacher.

b) Random Selection: Randomly select verses from the Quran for each student to recite, covering a range of difficulty levels.

c) Time Limit: Set a reasonable time limit for each student’s recitation, considering their level of proficiency and the length of the selected verses.

d) Encouragement: Provide positive feedback and encouragement to students during their recitation, and create a supportive and non-intimidating exam environment.

  1. Exam Preparation: Provide ample opportunities for students to practice their Quranic recitation skills before the exam. Offer regular recitation practice sessions, provide feedback on students’ strengths and areas for improvement, and encourage them to revise and memorize Quranic verses regularly.
  2. Fair Assessment: Ensure that the exam is conducted fairly and without bias, and that all students are assessed based on the same criteria. Avoid favoritism or discrimination, and maintain professionalism and integrity in the assessment process.

By following NoorStudents’ guidelines, inshaAllah you can effectively assess your students’ beginner level Quranic recitation skills and provide them with constructive feedback for their further improvement. Remember we will not share scores with Student or parents but we communicate the exam results in general to students and parents in a positive and encouraging manner, emphasizing areas of improvement and providing guidance for their ongoing Quranic studies.

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